Performs the genetic analysis of an MET dataset corresponding
to the final step of a two-stage analysis, where input corresponds to meand (or
adjusted values) of Evaluates and verifies the data originating from several trials with the
aim of determining levels of: connectivity, variability, etc., which are reported as
statistics. Only non-NA observations are considered in the reports. Note that trial is
always considered a fixed effect.
data = NULL,
gen = NULL,
trial = NULL,
resp = NULL,
weight = NULL,
type.gen = "random",
type.trial = "fixed",
vc.model = "corh",
workspace = "128mb"
dataframe with all relevant columns for MET analyses.
factor name for genotypes (or treatments)
factor name for trial (or environment)
column name for the response variable to evaluate
column name for the weight of response (default = 1)
model assumption for genotype effects: 'random' or 'fixed' (default = 'random')
model assumption for trial effects: 'random' or 'fixed' (default = 'fixed')
variance-covariance model to fit: 'diag', 'corv', 'corh', 'fa1', 'fa2', 'fa3', 'fa4', 'corgh' (default = 'corh') (only for type.gen =' random')
asreml workspace
Several objects with reports of the MET analysis. call: String with the ASReml-R call used to fit the requested model mod: ASReml-R object with all information from the fitted model predictions: Predictions for all genotypes across all sites, with thier standard error and reliability.
# Example 1: