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The function is a wrapper for 'icREML' function described in Verbyla (2019).


ic_reml_asr(fm, scale = 1)



A list of asreml fitted model objects


A scalar to scale the variance matrix of the estimated fixed effects (to ensure numerical stability of a log-determinant). Default value is 1.


A data frame. The data frame has the following components

  • model : the names of the models

  • loglik : the full log-likelihood for each model

  • p : the number of fixed effects parameters for each model

  • q : the number of (non-zero) variance parameters for each model.

  • b : the number of variance parameters that are fixed or on the boundary. These parameters are not counted in the AIC or BIC.

  • AIC : the AIC for each model

  • BIC : the BIC for each model

  • logdet : the log-determinant used in adjusting the residual log-likelihood for each model


Verbyla, A. P. (2019). A note on model selection using information criteria for general linear models estimated using REML. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 61(1), 39-50.


Ari Verbyla (averbyla at